I'm a third-year PhD student in Operations Research at Columbia University, advised by Prof. Christian Kroer.
My research focuses on problems at the intersection of optimization, game theory, and artificial intelligence.
I completed my undergraduate studies at Peking University.
Mudd 331
500 W 120th St, New York, NY 10027
Research Interest
- Large-scale Optimization
- Algorithmic Game Theory
- Market Equilibrium
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
On the Convergence of Tâtonnement for Linear Fisher Markets. AAAI, 2025 (Oral).
Tianlong Nan, Yuan Gao, Christian Kroer.
Competitive Equilibrium for Chores: from Dual Eisenberg-Gale to a Fast, Greedy, LP-based Algorithm. ACM Economics and Computation, 2024.
Bhaskar Ray Chaudhury, Christian Kroer, Ruta Mehta, Tianlong Nan (in alphabetical order).
- Journal version submitted to Operations Research.
Fast and Interpretable Dynamics for Fisher Markets via Block-Coordinate Updates. AAAI, 2023 (Oral).
Tianlong Nan, Yuan Gao, Christian Kroer.